The History of Trash in America

    One of my favorite things about working with recyclers and waste haulers is hearing the stories of how their businesses were founded. Considering most people think recycling was invented in the last twenty-five years or so, it’s fascinating to hear about the scrap businesses that go back several generations.

    Listen to Another Man’s Treasure. A History of TrashI recently listened to a podcast from Backstory Radio called “Another Man’s Treasure. A History of Trash”, and it covers a good deal about scrap recycling as well. Backstory is hosted by three Virginia-based history professors, and it’s one of my favorites. Three interesting takeaways from this podcast:

    1. Scrap recycling was an important entry into business ownership for people immigrating to America with little or no assets.

    2. No surprise to our customers, but there are serious questions about the viability of residential recycling.

    3. The chasing arrows recycling symbol wasn’t created by a waste or recycling company. It was a packaging company.

    Learn more about the economic impact of trash and scrap metal throughout American history. Listen to the podcast or read the transcript:

    Listen Now

    Posted by Steve Phelps