Have a Unique Type of Job? A Custom Container is the Answer

    MACX Cutout WallEvery recycle job is unique in some way, and sometimes the standardized features of commercial bulk material collection containers don't fit the bill. It's like trying to stick a round peg into a square hole.

    Unfortunately, many recyclers we talk to aren't aware that they can get custom container solutions to their exact specifications or they think it's too expensive. So, they continue to struggle with inconvenient and ineffective processes.

    However, by thinking beyond the usual options, recyclers can solve a problem, accomplish a goal, win new business, or retain a valuable account.

    Here's an example of how a custom container solution dramatically improved the business process of one of our customers.

    The Problem

    Recently, one of our customers was providing commercial paper collection service with a standard, soft sided hamper style cart, but it wasn’t getting it done. It was too tall for the material to move from the conveyor belt into the cart.

    The recycler cobbled together a fix by tilting the cart up on one side with blocks so the side closest to the conveyor belt was lowered. It was inconvenient to set everything up, wasn't safe, and the soft sided carts were getting banged up in the process. Worst of all, the carts couldn't be completely filled, which was increasing the cost of operation.

    None of the standard carts had the dimensions the recycler needed. They didn't think there was a better option until they learned about our ability to configure custom containers to suit the needs of their particular job.

    The Solution

    After discussing their situation, we were able to provide a customized, all plastic Mobile MACX cart to the width, height, caster size and configuration they needed. It was super durable, backed by a strong warranty, and able to be dumped with a rotating forklift or box style tipper. They got a choice of color, and the option to add customized logo labels.

    It was a winner for the recycler, and their customer.

    The next time you have a situation that’s difficult to solve, ask your supplier if they can provide custom container solutions. It may just be the best way to win or retain a customer.

    Want to hear about other examples? Just give us a call!

    Posted by Steve Phelps